Uspješna indeksacija Zbornika ICEI 2015 u Thomson Reuters Web of Science / Successfully indexation of the ICEI 2015 Conference Proceedings in Thomson Reuters Web of Science

Zbornik radova ICEI 2015 odabran je za Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Thomson Reuters Web of Science!

Thomson Reuters Web of Science je vodeća svjetska baza časopisa, zbornika, patenata, web portala itd.

Uskoro slijedi novi Poziv za radove (ICEI 2017)!


The ICEI 2015 Conference Proceedings have been selected for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Thomson Reuters Web of Science!

Thomson Reuters Web of Science is the world's leading source of journal articles, proceedings, patents, websites etc.

Soon it will be launched new Call for Papers (ICEI 2017)!